Jaroslav Jezek (1906 - 1942)

Jaroslav Jezek was an important composer, performer and conductor during the inter-war period in Czechoslovakia. As leader of the Jezek Big Band and composer for the Liberated Theater, his popularity was immense. Forced to flee Prague ahead of the Nazis in 1938, he settled in New York where he composed his final works, including a compelling Sonata for Piano. He died of kidney failure on January 1, 1942.

Tisic a Jeden Sen
Tisic a Jeden Sen

Tisic a Jeden Sen

- Hudebni Matice Umelecke Besedy. Prague. 1933
- Two page musical notes
- Cover illustration by Toyen

Condition: Tears along all edges, including spine; discolored brown along edges; illegible name and “62” inscribed upper right cover; “Hudebnbiky Jan Novak, Vysoke Myto” stamp on verso; pieces missing: top right and left corners cover page and top left corner and left edge back cover
